When to Seek Emergency Care

  • Signs of Distress: If your pet is experiencing severe pain, difficulty breathing, collapse, or any sudden change in behavior or condition.

  • Accidents or Injuries: Any trauma or accident that results in visible wounds, fractures, or significant bleeding.

We are equipped with the resources and expertise to handle critical situations and provide prompt, lifesaving care for pets in need. If you suspect your pet requires emergency medical attention, do not hesitate to contact or visit your nearest emergency veterinary hospital immediately or call us at:

  • Treatment for accidents, wounds, fractures, and other injuries that require immediate medical attention.

  • Management of serious illnesses such as respiratory distress, seizures, sudden collapse, or acute pain.

  • Diagnosis and treatment for ingestion of toxic substances, plants, medications, or chemicals.

  • Care for conditions like bloat, severe vomiting or diarrhea, which can indicate serious underlying problems.

  • Assistance for labor difficulties or complications during the birthing process.

  • Rapid cooling and supportive care for pets suffering from heatstroke.

  • Evaluation of sudden and severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, extreme lethargy, or collapse.

  • Management of cases where a pet has swallowed objects or substances that could cause obstruction or toxicity.

  • Evaluation and management of urinary blockage, urinary stone removal, urinary infections, among others.