Surgical procedures

Surgical procedures for pets encompass a broad range of interventions aimed at treating various medical conditions, injuries, and congenital abnormalities. Here are some common surgical procedures performed on pets:

  • Spaying and Neutering:

    Spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) are surgical procedures performed to sterilize pets and prevent unwanted litters. In addition to controlling pet overpopulation, spaying and neutering offer health benefits such as reducing the risk of certain cancers and behavioral issues.

  • Soft Tissue Surgery:

    Soft tissue surgery involves procedures that address non-bony structures in the body, including organs, skin, muscles, and blood vessels. Examples of soft tissue surgeries include tumor removals, bladder stone removal, gastrointestinal surgery, and reconstructive procedures for wounds or injuries.

  • Dental Surgery:

    Dental surgery involves procedures and dental x-rays to address oral health issues in pets, such as tooth extractions and periodontal disease treatment. Dental surgery is essential for maintaining oral hygiene and preventing systemic health problems associated with dental disease.

  • Emergency and Trauma Surgery:

    Emergency surgery may be required to address acute injuries, life-threatening conditions, or sudden medical emergencies in pets. Examples include wound repair, internal bleeding control, foreign body removal, urinary obstruction relief, and emergency cesarean sections for birthing complications.

  • Ophthalmic Surgery:

    Ophthalmic surgery focuses on treating eye diseases and disorders in pets, including eyelid tumor removal, cherry eye correction, entropion or ectropion repair, and enucleation (eye removal) in cases of severe trauma or disease.